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Designing Your Nursery

Nest Property

Awaiting for the arrival of a baby is exciting. Weekends spent at the baby section becomes a hobby and careful selection of items to bring home to the nursery pretty much turns into a full time profession.

Here’s the one universal truth about nursery décor: it’s TEMPORARY (that’s unless you’re planning on popping out babies like John & Kate plus 8). Within a few short years, you’ll find yourself redecorating to fit the needs of a growing toddler, so here are some tips to achieve the nursery of your dreams on a budget.

Step away from the baby section

While you’ll find essential items like swaddle blankets and changing pads in the nursery aisle, don’t be afraid to step away from the kids section for accessories like side tables, lamps and decorative accessories. Forget the “blue for boy, pink for girl, yellow for unknown” mentality. Instead, mix whimsical patterns with more grown-up ones for a sophisticated look. Buy accessories that are versatile and can be repurposed later.

Keep your nursery clutter free

Don’t over accessorize: a few carefully selected vintage toys, books and stuffed animals can go a long way. Instead, invest in soft furnishings like rugs, throws and pillows that will instantly warm up the space and make it feel cosier. Boxes, trays and baskets are also your best friend: a quick easy fix to clutter.

Forego the nursery furniture

Ok, cribs are essential, but not all nursery furniture is. Instead of a changing table set, add a changing top on a dresser you love, or purchase a dressing table that transforms into a dresser, so it can adjust to your growing child’s changing needs. Don’t feel obligated to purchase a glider. A comfortable chair can work jut as well and you’ll get to repurpose it once your child has grown up.
